Our Speakers Bureau
“Have Moms (or Dads); Will Travel!”
Our Speakers Bureau is available to speak to your business, community group, church group, etc., on a variety of topics. This FREE service can be tailored to your group’s specific interests/needs, and we can usually provide the speakers your group would most like to hear from (e.g., PFLAG parents, gay men, lesbian women, any combination thereof).
In most of our speaking engagements, we typically present background information about PFLAG, our mission and our services here in the Valley. From there, our speakers will often share their own personal story of their journey with PFLAG (e.g., the “coming out” of their child, if from a parent, or their own “coming out” story if from a GLBT individual). However, we can easily alter our presentation to discuss specific topics within your allotted time span.
If you would like to find out more about our Speakers Bureau, schedule a presentation, or possibly become involved with our Speakers Bureau as a volunteer speaker, please contact us at 602-843-1404 or email us.